Our Approach

BullyPrevent inspires local volunteer Defender Networks that reduce bullying and rescue victims quickly. Our innovative approach empowers bystanders to take swift action during bullying incidents. When alerted, these trained volunteers rapidly assemble at the scene, creating a united front that compels swift reduction of aggressive behavior.

This method works by:

By fostering these local Defender Networks, we create a powerful diversion against bullying and a support system for those at risk. Our goal is to transform communities into safer spaces where bullying behavior is swiftly addressed and discouraged.

Rapid Response

Our Bully Defender Networks are designed for quick mobilization, fostering safe intervention in bullying situations.

Community Empowerment

We train and equip local volunteers with the skills needed to effectively deter bullying in their lives.

Victim Support

Our approach prioritizes the immediate safety of bullying victims, and inspires bullies to reconsider their behavior.

Success Stories

"The Defender Network in our school has helped students feel safer, and instances of bullying have drastically subsided."

- Sarah T., High School Principal

"I used to feel helpless when I saw bullying. Now, as part of the Bully Defender Network, I know how to safely intervene to make a difference."

- Michael R., College Student

Get Involved

Join the movement to create safer communities:

Learn How to Become a Bully Defender in Your Area

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